[AF] environmental history

Ron Castro ronc at sonic.net
Thu Aug 22 10:25:33 CDT 2019

Wow Mike!  That's the best comprehensive, short-form look at the climate
change hoax I have yet seen!  I too remember being told we were all going to
die from global cooling if we didn't do something "right now".  The 'cure'
was always higher taxes, more redistribution of wealth, more government and
less freedom, as if that had anything to do with the weather.

I'll add one more about the history:  the first known climate change hoax
started with the ancient Greeks who believed that bad weather resulting in
poor crop yields was a result of worshiping the wrong gods.  I guess the
curators of the 'right' gods got rich like Al Gore and Tom Steyer.

There is no doubt that the sun is going through some strange gyrations that
are causing terrible propagation on the HF radio bands...just ask any ham
radio operator.  Ironically, the result of lower MUF's may be causing better
night-time sky-wave propagation in the AM broadcast band, although increased
man-made noise levels have more than nullified any positive effect. 


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