[AF] environmental issues

Dana Puopolo dpuopolo at usa.net
Thu Aug 22 14:29:14 CDT 2019

All I know is this: On Saturday I visited a beach where I had swum as a k=
There actually was a beach then, even at high tide. Not today! On Saturda=
y the
water was all the way up to the retaining wall and the waves were crashin=
against the wall. In my day there was over 100 feet of beach at high tide=
now that is not the case!

My friends tell me that it started getting real bad there starting about =
years ago.

Explain how this can happen without the water level increasing, Ed. Fact =
is it


From: Edwin Bukont via AF <af at radiolists.net>

 It's a long read but if you ever get to go through the trove of emails f=
the East Anglia download,  The depth and breath of the conspiracy to crea=

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