[AF] environmental issues

Mike Vanhooser novaelec at sbcglobal.net
Thu Aug 22 15:38:00 CDT 2019

Erosion.  I have seen the same thing in Galveston and Corpus Christi, where I have visited and occasionally lived for over 60 years.  A lot of the beaches are gone, but strangely the docks, T-Heads and seawalls all have the water line at almost the exact same place it has always been.  Same with the offshore platforms, nothing shows a rise in sea levels when looking at impervious fixed structures.  I had a beach house in Galveston, and the water line was at the small seawall, about 65' from my door.  After Hurricane Ike, I now had over 75' of beach in front of the seawall, did the ocean drop that much?  Every few years Galveston has the beach erode to the point that they pump in more sand to build it up.  But the water level never changes, it still is at the same point on the jettys as it always has been.

This is a totally unscientific method of "measuring sea level rise", and is based on no measurements or any type of empirical evidence.  This is the same "evidence" being used by the warmists to "prove" sea level rise.  Many the Pacific Islands which are claiming to be "going under" are actually eroding, and others are rising, how can that be if the sea level is rising?  Here is how: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2018/07/12/remember-when-sea-level-rise-was-going-to-cause-pacific-islands-to-disappear-never-mind/

On Thursday, August 22, 2019, 2:34:19 PM CDT, Dana Puopolo via AF <af at radiolists.net> wrote:

All I know is this: On Saturday I visited a beach where I had swum as a kid.
There actually was a beach then, even at high tide. Not today! On Saturday the
water was all the way up to the retaining wall and the waves were crashing
against the wall. In my day there was over 100 feet of beach at high tide -now that is not the case!

My friends tell me that it started getting real bad there starting about 7
years ago.

Explain how this can happen without the water level increasing, Ed. Fact is it

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