[AF] FCC environmental facts...

Mike Vanhooser novaelec at sbcglobal.net
Tue Aug 27 15:56:32 CDT 2019

Excuse me, but WTF are you talking about?  For one thing, name calling is not playing nice.  I have no idea what you are calling a "white nationalist" site, neither Gateway Pundit nor PSI have ever espoused any such thing.  Remember, resorting to ad hominem attacks is admission that your arguments have failed, and you have put up almost no arguments.  Please post any of the information which I just quoted that is in any way factually inaccurate.  This is a story that just broke in the last two days, but goes back to 2017 and long before, hence one particular link. 

This is a fatal blow to the "global warming" hoax, which has been repeatedly shown to not be happening by thousands of scientists - and honest researchers at NASA - using non-manipulated data.  This is why Mann refused to produce his data in discovery, as it has been shown to be falsified and manipulated.  Now he tacitly admits that he is fabricating the data by refusing to produce it, and was therefore found in contempt of court and lost his libel case, with (well deserved) harsh financial repercussions.

By being on the engineers list, you are purporting to be of a technical/analytical mindset.  There is no "consensus" that fixes transmitters, it is analysis, measurement, replication and specific part repair/replacement.  The same techniques and procedures apply to any scientific method of observation and measurement.  Thousands of real scientists have performed the aforementioned to disprove the "global warming" hoax.  In response the "global warming" Climate Scientologists (which it sounds as if you may be one) attack and seek to destroy all who disagree with them, even more viciously to those who prove them wrong.  This is not sound science.

FYI, I plan to be around at least another 40 years, I am not now or do I plan on retiring.  In fact I am looking at starting two new businesses.  I also dearly love nature, having grown up in the country, and am an avid hunter and fisherman, therefore I am a strong conservationist.  I am able to technically examine and discern the effects of all the current types of energy production and generation, and there is no more prolific and efficient manner, with less impact on the environment, then the petrochemical industry.  The only method with even less impact is nuclear, which I also strongly support.

Wind and solar are grossly inefficient and unreliable, and both have highly damaging effects to the environment, which most "environmentalists" completely ignore or even deny.  Neither can survive economically absent massive government subsidies.  However they both have limited specific uses, which is why I also sell and install wind and solar systems.  But they are not suitable for mission-critical purposes such as large scale primary electric utility sources.

There has never been a "climate change crisis", encompassing either warming or cooling, which have both schizophrenically been decried as catastrophic future conditions.  Such is the brainchild of global socialists who do not want to "save the planet" but want to take control of the means of production (see: Communist Manifesto, also Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of U.N.'s Framework Convention on Climate Change, who admitted that the goal of environmental activists is not to save the world from ecological calamity but to destroy capitalism) to have the ultimate power over the proletariat.  If this is what you are supporting, you are inviting a future vastly more bleak than any "environmental crisis".  See: Venezuela, Cuba.

So chill out, this was just friendly debate, you'll die before I do if you keep getting that worked up.  And I am not in the league of Rush, although we were almost buddies.  I was in the class directly after Rush at Elkins.  If I had been in the same class I'm sure we would still be friends.

On Tuesday, August 27, 2019, 2:20:48 PM CDT, Kelly Alford <alfords at seanet.com> wrote:

Okay Rush.2, give it a rest. 

Whereas I appreciate retired folks need a hobby, you railing on with your
name calling and labeling is getting old.  Rational and educated debating
is one thing, but linking to 'alternate facts' on white nationalist websites
from 2017 is nothing more than parroting old conspiracy opinions.

Just because you'll be long gone while following generations suffer for the
greedy decisions of prior generations is unfortunate.  We should be looking
at alternatives to fossil fuels, not drilling for more.  Not everything is
about money. 

-----Original Message-----
From: AF [mailto:af-bounces at radiolists.net] On Behalf Of Mike Vanhooser via

Breaking!  Major court defeat to the global wa4rming hoaxers!  Mann refuses
to provide data, which is basis of his "hockey stick".

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