[AF] More government incompence

Richard Johnson richardbrianjohnson at verizon.net
Wed Aug 28 10:18:28 CDT 2019

Note to those who plan to stay in America after their driver's license needs to be renewed

The government has created a quagmire called "Real ID", https://www.dhs.gov/real-id
I went to renew my automobile driver's license, first on-line, and when that failed I stood in line at the RMV office for
over two hours.

They would not accept my existing, un-expired, driver's license as an ID! Normally, in Massachusetts, you go to the RMV, give them your old license, and money, take an vision test, and leave. Nope, not anymore I have to get the "long-form" birth certificate and bring it to them. That costs $50.00 and can only be obtained from a "Certified Agency," You can no longer go to someplace like a courthouse (it changes), pay a copy fee, and get a copy.

BTW, the RMV tried to impound my un-expired driver's license, claiming it was "Invalid." I had to make a scene, demand a supervisor, etc., to get it back.

Maybe, I should just climb over a fence in Arizona. It's not good to have been born in America anymore.

Richard Johnson
Book: http://www.AbominableFirebug.com

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