[BC] Teaching Creationism

Donna Halper dlh
Wed Jul 6 15:54:44 CDT 2005

>it was said--
>>... the Bible is written in clear, unambiguous language; etc

And whoever has an ephod will find favour in the sight of the L-rd.  Umm, 
there are lost verses, lost sources (and is it not written in the Book of 
Yasher?) and verses where the language is difficult to translate.  But all 
that aside, what does any of this have to do with radio?  Every time we go 
down this tunnel, people start flaming each other.  My truth might not be 
your truth, and there really are about 60 translations of scripture, each 
one claiming to be the correct one.  Bottom line:  let religion be taught 
in a religion class, let science be taught in a science class, and let's 
all respect each other's viewpoints, said Donna.    

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