[BC] What happened

Wed Jul 6 19:58:16 CDT 2005

Clive wrote -
>Honestly, guys from their mid-40's onwards fall down dead every day of heart
>attacks without ever realising they were at risk. So please, guys, take an
>'effort test'. Check up or check out.

Clive, I agree, except that stress can help to create high blood pressure.
However, in my case, blood pressure normal,  weight on target for my age (46), non-smoker,
normal HDL,LDL, and no history of heart problems in my family. My only symptom was shortness of breath climbing the stairs to the roof to check the Sat. dishes. (to keep this broadcast related)
A stress test on Good Friday found the problem, result was 2 coronary blockages. Solution was  one stent in March, another stent in May.

This hit at the worst time, I was suppose to be setting up a 5 camera remote at the local arena for a big Easter church service. My wife decided they could do it without me and they did. I directed the production on Easter and it was nearly flawless.
Many times we think we have to do things, but others can step up to the plate. The station will find a way to stay on the air when we're gone. At some point you have to decide what is more important, your health or the station(s).

Randy Shaffer
Harrisburg, PA

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