[BC] HD time hacks

Rich Wood richwood
Sat Jul 16 09:36:16 CDT 2005

------ At 04:56 PM 7/15/2005, Tonne wrote: -------

>Synchronize the various operations, of course, but to hell
>with broadcasting the damned beeps!   They no longer
>serve a real purpose to the listener.

Some have very symbolic value. WTIC, Hartford, has had the Morse Code 
V for Victory since World War II. I think it's as much a part of the 
"stationality" as any hackneyed promo. When I hear it, I know exactly 
who I'm listening to. It's probably as identifiable as the NBC chimes.

>Although I confess my thinking it was kinda magic the way
>the Western Onion clocks red lights kept everyone in the
>station in line . . .

And properly synchronized with their networks. In those days everyone 
joined their nets by time, not automation closures.


Rich Wood
Rich Wood Multimedia
Phone: 413-303-9084
FAX: 413-480-0010

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