[BC] No-code Amateur license

Rich Wood richwood
Sun Jul 24 09:41:57 CDT 2005

------ At 12:41 AM 7/24/2005, Jerry Mathis wrote: -------

>Does ANYONE use Morse code for anything anymore? We have far more 
>efficient means of communications now. Aside from making someone 
>PROVE they are interested enough in obtaining an Amateur license to 
>learn it, what value is it?

Repeaters use it, though it's automated and doesn't qualify as REAL 
CW because there's no exalted human with a key. Same with marine 
buoys. I think bird tracking devices use data, so they don't qualify. 
Since CW is so terribly important as emergency communication when the 
big one drops I believe Homeland Security should require all Hams 
with coded licenses to be retested every 5 years so we have a few 
people who haven't been wiped out who can communicate. Also, if your 
building collapses and traps you you'll be able to tap out an SOS so 
rescue teams can find you. They might find you if you randomly bang 
on a pipe, too, so it might not be the strongest argument.

I know a lot of engineers who can run rings around most Amateur 
Extras who would like to be hams, just for fun (it is a hobby, after 
all) but won't waste time learning to beep.

I'll bet the thought of the biggest complainers having to be retested 
would cause massive coronaries.


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