[BC] No-code Amateur license

Rich Wood richwood
Sun Jul 24 10:09:11 CDT 2005

------ At 07:57 AM 7/24/2005, Jeffrey Kopp wrote: -------

>>[Rich:] I can't think of anything that's cause more damage to
>>Amateur Radio than the code requirement. ... I'll be found living 
>>underwater in Alvin for the next few years.
>It's a difficult question, and I see this thread bound for AF, so 
>I'll squeeze this in.

Two things. Many Ham Radio experiments have moved well beyond the 
hobby into broadcast and other technical areas. Second, since I'm 
told HD isn't copyrighted we could squeeze this by by claiming CW is 
done by hand. We can call it HD (Hand Delivered). If my experience is 
representative, moving this to AF would so overwhelm the heated 
religious threads that even God wouldn't have a chance.


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