[BC] My prediction for the future

WFIFeng@aol.com WFIFeng
Sun Jul 24 20:24:38 CDT 2005

In a message dated 07/24/2005 10:59:53 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
richwood at pobox.com writes:

> Every ISP I've dealt with has had a clause in the contract forbidding 
>  the running of servers on a DSL or cable line. Has this changed?

That's been my experience as well. They want you to buy their *Business 
Class* service at twice the price (same bandwidth, of course) if you want to run a 
server. If you're fortunate to have Optimum Online, they gave you a full 1Mb 
upload, and up to 10 down.

As for those guys putting their rack in a non-climate-controlled garage... 
can you say *Meltdown*?! They must have money to *literally* burn. They'll have 
to learn the hard way, I guess. They'll probably get all kinds of multi-legged 
creatures making their nests/spinning webs inside of 'em, too. Accumulated 
spider silk does wonders to those small fans.

Thinking of which... time to clean-out my transmitter, soon. :)


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