[BC] shows

Clive Warner clive
Tue Jul 26 15:50:07 CDT 2005

 >Their "common sense" is that this convention
>   is only for this week. There is a new set
>   of "suckers" next week, and there is no
>   need to care at all what sort of "taste"
>   is left in the mouth of exhibitors.

I did NAB in 1985 for Marconi and Eddystone. Marconi were showing their new
TV drive. We shared with Comark Communications which I think is still in
business, yes, as part of Thomson (France). Nat Ostroff was there. I have
some photos.
I did have problems with the electricians at NAB. Basically I waited until
they pissed off and then did the wiring myself. It wasn't much.
I was chatting to various events people and they all said the same thing,
that Vegas people hate the NAB convention.
"They don't tip . . . they don't spend any money . . . they don't this and
that . . . " Miserable ingrates.
I didn't sell any transmitters. But then, I didn't expect to. Shows are not
for selling stuff, they are for showing how much money you're prepared to
throw away.

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