[BC] RE: The Future of EAS
Tom Taggart
Sat Jul 30 15:40:21 CDT 2005
1. Cell-phone alerts. This is fine if you can opt out of being alerted.
Many volunteer fire departments now use auto-dialers to alert their
responders. It would not make sense to me to have an emergency responder
miss an alert on his cellphone because the system is jammed up with a
severe thunderstorm alrt from two counties over. And yes, given the
natural tendency of bureucracies, given an inch, to grab a mile and start
charging toll, we will have overuse of the system. (See #3, BELOW).
2. Satellite fed warnings. Watch, big brother will get you. The folks in
Washington will want us to install satellite receivers at our transmitter
sites so the bureaucrats can push a button and be on 13,000 stations at
3. "All Hazards Radio" (which is already being use instead of national
weather service on some of their stations in our area) will never be more
than a bad joke, even with some kind of satellite fed back-bone, unless
there is someone with intelligence running the operation. I still get
emergency messages with no message from Pittsburgh NWS (header, pause,
eom). Gave up talking to a brick wall.
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