[BC] OTS Support

Goran Tomas goran.tomas
Mon May 2 04:56:35 CDT 2005

--- At 01.05.2005.22:15, WFIFeng at aol.com wrote: ---
> > My jock will mess up EVERYTHING there is to mess up..
>Then why is this person still in your employ? Usually, a threat of job loss
>tends to straighten poeple out. If/when they commit the same act again, it is
>now flagrant disobedience & rules violation... just cause for dismissal.

My mistake - the "jock" should have been in plural! On this station, 
practically every 2 hours there's a different person behind a board (it's a 
college station). When something like this happens, it's very hard to track 
down who did it. If you do find who caused the problem and explain it to 
him/her, they'll understand. But the problem is tracking it down to that 
one person, because nobody seems to know "when" exactly did the problem 

Goran Tomas 

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