[BC] Interesting Phenomena With WWDB 860

Sun May 8 23:10:14 CDT 2005

No, but it is typical of an array that isn't broadbanded in its nulls. 
The night nulls for the six tower 1580 in Santa Monica, CA were very tight -
and downtown Los Angeles sat within them! When Radio Unica bought the station,
they had Ron Rackley design a new phasor and ATU's that was broadbanded in
it's nulls as well as it's lobe. The result was that the station's nightime
potential audience increased by over a million people, who formerly heard
carrierless AM on their radios.
Ron has a paper on how to do this at the DuTreil and Rackley web site.


------ Original Message ------
Received: Sun, 08 May 2005 06:36:19 PM PDT
From: Tom Bosscher <tom at bosscher.org>
To: Broadcast Radio Mailing List <broadcast at radiolists.net>
Subject: Re: [BC] Interesting Phenomena With WWDB 860

Mark Humphrey wrote:
 >I've also noticed that WWDB's 4-inline array produces
 >a lot of distortion in the nulls.

    I was very surprised when CC fired up WOOD-AM's, 1300 new 4 tower in 
line array just south of Grand Rapids. It has amazingly sharp nulls 
across the frequency as you drive, particulary on the west side of the 
array. ( The main forward lobe is very clean) You can hear the carrier 
null out and maybe the other side band, Very noticable, and very 
annoying when driving around. Is this typical of an in line array?

    tom bosscher

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