[BC] White House Just Evacuated

Blake Bowers bbowers
Thu May 12 12:15:46 CDT 2005

Exactly.   Although a 150 is small, it is more than capable
of a large attack in a number of ways,   Mr Boyer is
incorrect in his statement.

>>"A Cessna 150 is an extremely small two-seat airplane. Even fully loaded 
>>it weighs significantly less than a Honda Civic. It's simply incapable of 
>>doing much damage," said Boyer. "From what we can tell, these pilots 
>>simply made the mistake of getting lost in some of the most complex and 
>>highly regulated airspace in the country."
> Indeed a bad mistake on the part of the pilots.  As to being too small to 
> do much damage, keep in mind that four postal workers were killed in this 
> area from anthrax, which was delivered in a container much smaller than 
> the Cessna.
> Regards,
> Joe Davis

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