[BC] AM skywave

Bill Harms wharms
Fri May 13 14:13:47 CDT 2005


	Perhaps you have a good point about "noise free" FM, but Skywave 
reception was ruined in large part when the FCC allowed more stations to operate at 
night on the so-called clear channels.  Instead of finding ways to take advantage of 
night time reception via skywave, the FCC and the broadcast industry went the 
opposite direction.  

	I am one of those pesky DXers.  I still like to listen to stations like WBZ from 
my location here in Maryland, but if my local station on 1030 were to broadcast at 
night it would ruin my reception of WBZ.  Yes, I realize that I am one of the few 
people who still listen while not DXing to long distance stations, but I wonder if there 
would not be more such people if the FCC and the broadcast industry looked for 
ways to use this under-utilized natural resource - namely nighttime skywave 

Bill Harms
Elkridge, Maryland

On 13 May 2005 at 14:33, Scott Cason wrote:

> Now, I like Dxing AM like the next guy.  I grew up listening in south
> Georgia listening to the Braves on WSB-AM.  But we need to take an
> objective look at the reality we are in today.  AM broadcasting isn't
> as prominent as it once was, sadly.  And sky wave reception is for the
> most part nil. People are to used to listening to "noise free" FM. 

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