[BC] Should Skywave Listening protection continue?

Tom Taggart tpt
Fri May 13 19:10:20 CDT 2005


The Class Iv's and other stations with limited nighttime interference  
protection (not to mention the micro-powers) are hardly going to spend big  
$$ for IBOC just to blow back IBOC smog from the big guys. Even assuming  
it would work.

On the other hand, If I owned one of those stations, I would be in the  
GM's office of the IBOC station the day after it came on, suggesting he  
turn it off or I sue. Then file a complaint with the FCC ( with the note  
that the better act in 30 days or I would be going into my local court)  
wait the thirty days, then file on the basis of nuisance in my state court.

Suspect this would chill the enthusiasm for this flawed technology on the  
part of a lot ogf GM's.

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