[BC] Anyone know the answer?

JYRussell@academicplanet.com jyrussell
Fri May 13 21:00:02 CDT 2005

I'd have to refine the question a little more... WHICH radio waves, at what
frequency (ies)?
There's a theory floating around out there (or there was, when I was in the
physics stuff) that says even subatomic particles produce measurable charges
due to their spin, motion, however you'd like to quantize it... relative to
whatever happens to be their environment.

   SO... you need nearly any chemical reaction using at least one element
that ready to cut loose with a few electrons.  Once all is said and done...
and the equations balanced, we have created a situation where in the
combination process... energy is released... so measure it.

  The man didn't say it had to be LARGE amounts of rf... (though the right
elements might degrade that fast relative to everything else in the soup, I
doubt you'd get anything useful) or any specific frequency... so the bigger
problem would be MEASURING the RF... (heck, how would you measure 1 or 2 cps
or less, at some infentesimal current?)

  WOUld it have to be 50ohm stuff??  (g)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Clive Warner" <clive at citiria.com>
To: <broadcast at radiolists.net>
Sent: Friday, May 13, 2005 6:19 PM
Subject: [BC] Anyone know the answer?

> http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=515967
> Never heard of this. Anyone?
> Clive
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