[BC] Inside Line: Howard Stern "Sirius"-ly turns off

Rich Wood richwood
Mon May 16 10:55:30 CDT 2005

------ At 08:58 PM 5/15/2005, JYRussell at academicplanet.com wrote: -------

>I figure it's more along the lines of not wanting to be associated with a
>company who will sell that kind of product... the old "any friend of his is
>no friend of mine" thinking which used to be rather prevalent... but is
>meaningless today.

That sure does limit your options. When you consider that many major 
corporations are involved in the distribution of pornography you're going 
to have to do a lot of background checking before you do any shopping. 
Where do you think the "adult" films in major hotels come from? Then ask 
them who views them. They love when religious fanatics book a convention. 
They know they'll make a killing on adult in-room movies. They'd kill to be 
able to clone Jimmy Swaggart

Since the Religion industry includes the likes of Swaggart and Bakker, 
they'd better become Pagans rather than be associated with their kind.

I hope Hyundai is properly informing their objecting customers that both 
services offer similar off-color programming and are likely to increase it. 
Howard will be replaced, probably with something similar, so they'd best 
not buy a radio of any kind. Most of the movie studios offer at least R 
rated movies, so forget the DVD player.

Major corporations today are so diversified that it's virtually impossible 
to avoid doing business with someone who's doing something you don't like.


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