[BC] Turned-off listeners (Was: ...Sirius-ly...")

WFIFeng@aol.com WFIFeng
Tue May 17 07:24:44 CDT 2005

In a message dated 05/15/2005 05:24:23 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
thebeaver32 at hotmail.com writes:

> Is it the same owners? Did competition come to town (a new station or 
>  stations, or someone switched formats)? Did they think they could make 
>  money by going satellite and cutting staff? Did the rent on the studio 
>  suddenly increase to something unconscionable? Were the owners simply 
>  wanting to "slow down"? Did Wal-Mart come to town? SOMETHING must have 
>  happened.........
>  The answer may help refute those of us who have said (including myself) 
>  a return to localism is the answer to a stations' survival.

My story has been echoed hundreds, if not thousands of times in recent 
years... in the midst of all the consolidation, etc. This particular station was 
still under the same owners at the time. It was later sold after the ratings 
tanked, and the new owners totally changed the format & language.

Most of these stories come down to $$... but I still scratch my head 
wondering how they made budget in the past, with 6 times the number of workers than 
they have today... and yet today, they're "struggling"???


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