[BC] The Worst Transmitter of All Time

Fred Gleason fredg
Tue May 17 10:43:46 CDT 2005

On Monday 16 May 2005 21:16, Tom Taggart wrote:
> Never could remember whether it was the Vanguard I or II, but one of them
> looked just like the ice makers you see in motels (apart from being
> painted green).  The 1520 in Toledo had one at one time.  Probably long
> gone.  The other Vanguard was in a conventional cabinet.

Vanguard I.  I heard somewhere that the reason for the strange 
appearance/design (1 kW *linear* final) was that these rigs were originally 
designed for the US military, and then 'repurposed' by Gates for broadcast.


| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. | Director of Broadcast Software Development  |
|                           |             Salem Radio Labs                |
|  The UNIX philosophy basically involves giving you enough rope to hang  |
|  yourself.  And then a couple of feet more, just to be sure.            |
|                                           -- Anonymous                  |

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