[BC] Value of service

Mike McCarthy Towers
Wed May 18 12:37:55 CDT 2005

Mario you seem to have a hard-on for the NFL/SBE working arrangement 
because you are a professional coordinator which was not considered for the 
work. They are keeping that work in-house.

NFL does PAY for the services of Game Day Coordinators.  Quote frankly, 
your rhetoric on what the NFL pays (or doesn't as you expressly state) is 
rather ill-informed. Compensation matters are between the local GDC's and 
the NFL to resolve between them. SBE act's as an administrator for 
disbursing the funds. When SLC gets a NFL team, that will be the time you 
take that up with the NFL if you are interested.  FWIW, there are a NUMBER 
of non-SBE member GDC's.

What is not well known is any money left over from the GDC fund at SBE goes 
into the Enne's Foundation's general fund.  So there are some GDC's who 
don't take their stipend and that goes right to Ennes.  Now tell me 
Mario...where is the harm there?

What you also don't know is the NFL provides the GDC's laptop computers 
free for them to use elsewhere as well as a number of other little 
perq's.  For the football fan (of which I am one), press box seats and 
sideline access are (thank's to Mastercard...) priceless.  That laptop in 
many cases will also be used for the new SBC coordination software.  So 
there is a win/win there too.

I won't argue the point about one's valuing their services 
appropriately.  But there are times where it is hard to pin down hard $$$ 
to something which we enjoy without a lot of "work" involved.  Being a GDC 
is one of those.  And there are 64 others who happen to agree.....


At 08:56 AM 5/18/2005 -0700, you wrote:
>Yes, there is often a fine line between what affects the engineer and what 
>affects the engineers' client /employer. But does the ABA show up at NFL 
>games and provide free legal services to all the parties involved? Do they 
>provide free legal services to other lobbying groups?
>Providing pro bono professional services is okay, if they're for true 
>charitable organizations, but I don't think that the NFL, NAB and the TV 
>networks qualify.
>The first step in getting employers and clients to place a greater value 
>on the services of the engineer is for the engineer to place a greater 
>value on his/her services.

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