[BC] Air Corp 500PH processor

khcs@juno.com khcs
Thu May 19 16:58:37 CDT 2005

Mark inquired:

>I need a schematic/manual for an Air Corp 500PH processor. Unit shows 
input but has no output (Mic or Line)

thanks for any help.


That would be a most unusual version with no output.  Mine has simultaneous mic level and line level XLR outputs.  There are also 1/4" jacks for an external processor, and a DB-25 connector for various remote control functions.  I could fax you a few pertinent pages if you wish.  All 33 pages might be too cumbersome.  Let me know your fax # if you so desire.

The important thing with these units (we have 3) is to not go overboard on the compression or EQ.  A little bit sounds a lot better.

Glen Kippel
Palm Desert, CA

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