[BC] Poor choices

Sat May 21 11:12:39 CDT 2005

Been there, done that!

I once had a (very short term) clent who was looking for a new site for his FM
 C.P.  This guy would call about twice a day and say: Check this site...check
this site...ad nauseum. 

Anyway, I had to go out of town for the day (I did have some regular clients
after all) and told him that I wouldn't be around, but would be checking my
messages every couple of hours (this was before cell phones became cheap).

When I got to my client's, (a 90 minute trip) I checked my messages, sure
enough there were four from this guy spaced about 15 minutes apart. The last
one said: "Dana, I'm going to have to disassociate myself from you. You just
can't give me the kind of attention I need".  

I guess he expected me to be sitting by my phone, waiting for his calls so I
could immediately run another spacing study for him!

The killer is that I had given him a topographic map with the area to locate
clearly marked on it....so he knew what fit and what didn't already!

He did pay his bill though...


------ Original Message ------
Received: Sat, 21 May 2005 04:30:16 AM PDT
From: Alan Alsobrook <radiotech at bellsouth.net>
To: Broadcast Radio Mailing List <broadcast at radiolists.net>
Subject: Re: [BC] Poor choices

Be a radio mercenary, oops I mean contract engineer, like my self and if 
they call up complaining about you not being in just say, and your point is?

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