[BC] Is broadcast engineering a profession?

khcs@juno.com khcs
Thu May 26 00:24:10 CDT 2005

Kent noted:

>It is amazing how much more 
respect you get when you dress professionally!  Don't get me wrong, I do have my days when I show up in old jeans and a t shirt, but I am usually up 
to my armpits in a transmitter or heading out to the hinterlands for one of our remote transmitters.


Yes, when you're all by yourself at some remote site in the boonies it doesn't much matter what you're wearing, if anything.  <g>  But it still helps if you don't look like a tramp if members of your local constabulary should happen to come by to investigate.  This happened to me one night.  I had to look like I belonged there.  

Glen Kippel
Palm Desert, CA

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