[BC] could someone explain this to me?

Mike McCarthy Towers
Fri May 27 11:20:05 CDT 2005

Depending on who you speak with, is it L-R or R-L?
In either case, you get the same difference (of opinion)...

Isn't it fun when we can mix radio technical details <and> politics.

BTW...on WW1, AAR is fed on the RIGHT channel whereas TRN is fed on the 
LEFT channel.  Hmmm...poetic?  I think not. Just divine intervention on the 
humorous side.


At 11:15 AM 5/27/2005 -0500, you wrote:
> >     So, if I take AirAmerica audio and Michael Savage audio
> > and mono them, they will cancel?
>  No, you will get a 19khz sub carrier pilot...  L-R

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