[BC] could someone explain this to me?

gRAdy Moates lists
Fri May 27 12:04:53 CDT 2005

    A look at the WRKO website yields this little ditty:

"I guess people love my show because of my hard edge combined with humor and 
education," he says. "Those who listen to me say they hear a bit of Plato, 
Henry Miller, Jack Kerouac, Moses, Jesus, and Frankenstein. I pull many of 
my life experiences, including that of father, son, husband, brother, ice 
cream factory worker, busboy, lifeguard, writer, scientist, and my huge 
library of books." Listeners also hear top-flight guests and, in keeping 
with the fact that talk hosts attract the audience they deserve, listeners 
hear literate callers with intelligence, wit, and energy.

    Maybe it's bigotry driven by ego, but wrapped in really good
radio presentation.  I never listen to WRKO.  Now I guess I have
to, just to check this guy out.

    I'll report back with my findings.

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