[BC] could someone explain this to me? Sure I can do that.

Kirk Harnack kirk
Fri May 27 18:27:52 CDT 2005

Donna Halper wrote:
> 73% of 
> Fox viewers believed the Iraqis were behind 9/11 and that Saddam had 
> WMDs.  

Hmmm.  That sounds fishy.  I watch Fox News often and I've never had 
that impression, nor have I seen anything on Fox that tries to connect 
9/11 with Iraq, save a story about a couple of Al-Queada operatives 
being in Iraq from time to time.  That 73% figure really doesn't pass a 
"reasonable" test.

If you think Saddam did not have WMD's then you must also disagree with 
Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Bill Clinton and Al Gore who have each, in 
separate speeches, demanded that Saddam turn over his WMDs and comply 
with the 14 U.N. resolutions.  You do disagree with those Democratic 
leaders on that point, right?

> Up until recently, 9 out of 10 talk hosts came from the extreme 
> right wing point of view 

Really?  You can't name more than 1 in 10 liberal talk show hosts "up 
until recently?"

> and you can say all you want about liberal NEWS 
> but liberal talk shows were a rarity-- overt and partisan political talk 
> shows were almost always right wing till very recently and I say that 
> absolutely did colour the way many people today see things because no 
> other viewpoint was available.

Same can be accurately said for the liberally-biased news.  No other 
viewpoint was available.  What if there were no alternative to the AP, 
The New York Times, CNN, CBS and NewsWeek?

>  Feel free to disagree and I still love you!

I know that statement wasn't for me, but I will feel free to disagree, 
and I love you, too, Donna!


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