[BC] Finding NEMO (a remote possibility?)

Lewis Munn looey323
Thu Nov 10 00:40:50 CST 2005

That was Odyssius who fooled the cyclops by saying his name was "Noman" and after he had blinded the cyclops with a fire-hardened pointed stick, the cyclops asked for help from his brothers, but when he named the assailant as "No man" they told him it must be from the gods and shutup and went their way.  Odyssius and his men escaped by clinging to the bellies of the sheep as the sheep went out to pasture, and the cyclops only felt the top to see if any man was trying to ride them out.
Odyssius tho was a braggart, and when he was on his ship called back his true name, and the cyclops, being a son of Posideon, implored the sea god to take revenge for him...Odyssius would have gotten away clear but he had to brag!!  Odyssius did get home but lost everything in the process.  Except his wife was true to him.
Looey Munn
Roundup, MT

Donna Halper <dlh at donnahalper.com> wrote:
At 10:20 PM 11/9/2005 -0500, you wrote:
>I have some faint recollection of a story in 10th grade Latin about a
>character named Nemo who had beat-up on someone, and they had a hard time
>explaining how "No Man" had beat them up.

That was in the Odyssey by Homer.

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