[BC] technical difficulties with automation

John Burger xlchief
Fri Nov 11 16:44:30 CST 2005

There are any number of ways multiple audio cuts could air simultaneously. 
Incorrectly set EOM or poorly constructed playlists were the usual culprits. 
The more you restrict an automation system's flexibility the less likely you 
are to have simultaneous audio events.  I liked to set my systems up so that 
there was a great deal of flexibility in live assist mode, but in full auto 
it would only be able to do the most basic cut to cut segue.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Donna Halper" <dlh at donnahalper.com>
To: "Broadcast Radio Mailing List" <broadcast at radiolists.net>
Sent: Friday, November 11, 2005 11:23 AM
Subject: [BC] technical difficulties with automation

> SO, over the past several days, I have heard all sorts of weird problems 
> with stations that I know use automation.  This question is going to sound 
> really stoooopid, and forgive me for asking it, but I am not an expert at 
> programming automation systems-- I just know what button to push if I am 
> on the air.  What would cause a station like WBZ, for example, to have a 
> commercial playing over the recorded weather, or on WXKS/WKOX, I heard two 
> commercials playing on top of each other.  Aren't these systems 
> idiot-proof?  I mean, don't they hear some kind of tone and then play the 
> next element?  Or do they depend on a human who could in fact push the 
> wrong button?  Are there some systems that are more idiot-proof (or less 
> prone to error) than others?  [No hidden agenda, I am not writing an 
> article or anything-- I've just heard a series of these things this week, 
> with elements playing over each other, and I am trying to understand how 
> it happens.]
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