[BC] Sony DRM rootkit

Tom Bosscher tom
Tue Nov 15 09:10:30 CST 2005

	I find the whole Sony DRM issue rather amusing.

	In 1976 I went to work for Bursma Radio Supply in Grand Rapids, MI. 
They are a wholesaler, and had the Sony consumer line. Sony was getting 
ready to release the first consumer grade stand alone VCR, the Betamax 
SL-7200. Sony required all the wholesalers to have a factory trained 
service manager, who would then go around and train the service 
departments in that territory. So I went to Sony School in Chicago for 
one week.
	The Sony SL-7200 was a manual recorder. A click dial tuner, but it did 
have a pause control. I was told the Sony just about did NOT include the 
pause button function, (there was a tab that could be adjusted to 
disable it), as Sony was scared by the noise that the movie producers 
were making. The movie and TV folks did not want the consumer to be able 
to pause recording during the commercials. Indeed, there were several 
law suits filed.

	And now who owns the movie and music rights?

		go figure... tom bosscher

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