[BC] is some new virus out there?

Barry Mishkind barry
Sun Nov 27 13:24:31 CST 2005

At 12:11 PM 11/27/05, Donna Halper wrote

>I use Netscape, and use Trend Micro for my virus software, but it 
>seems these viruses stay one step ahead of the fixes for them...

         Donna, I would check your headers closely.
         .... what you are reporting might well be
         the effect of someone "stealing" your
         name/address, and sending spam out.
         Then, all the bounces come back and
         hit you ... even though you didn't
         originate them.

         This is because the internet email
         usually returns bounces to the "from"
         rather than the header provided address.
         In turn, this is because some geeks
         prefer to stay anonymous.   An email
         standard that would prevent this is
         not that hard.  They just don't want it.

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