[BC] Can't solve it if you don't know about it
Barry Mishkind
Sun Jul 30 20:38:28 CDT 2006
At 05:31 PM 7/30/2006, Rockwell Smith wrote
>Actually, here's what works best where I am.......
>For those with e-mail, an e-mailed description of the problem. This
>starts a "paper trail" that can be followed up on, replied to,
>forwarded if needed, etc. It also creates a traceable date that it
>was reported.
A very good idea...
Do you use "generic" groups for notifying
completion (or ongoing issues)?
>All of the above are for the non-catastrophe issues that can wait 12
>or 24 hours (longer if a weekend). The true emergencies still go to
>the cell phone 24/7 as needed. Fortunately, with good maintenance
>and back-up gear those calls are now really few and far between (
>Thankfully !).
Congrats to you on running
a good plant.
>All employees, full or part time, have company e-mail, but.... many
>cannot access it because they seem to get locked out of their
>accounts because they forget their passwords.
Then you don't want to hear about the station
I was in last month where the login and password
(a lengthy line of letters and numbers) were
taped to the studio monitors???
>To fill out a report, or a tag, you first have to find the paper to
>fill out. Seems to always not be available........
Quite so.
Some years ago, there was a station where the
engineer was not really paying attention. When
I came on scene, there was a running joke that
there were no discrepancy reports (this was before
email became common) because if there were
no forms, no problems could be reported.
I promptly designed and distributed "Paranoia
Report Forms" so the staff could vent.
"Just because you are paranoid doesn't mean
someone isn't working against you...."
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