[BC] The future of broadcasting...

Goran Tomas goran.tomas
Sat Sep 2 08:55:50 CDT 2006

--- At 1.9.2006 23:46, nakayle at gmail.com wrote: ---
>99?.  (I assume this is how they make their money).  Now it's hard to see
>how conventional radio can compete with something like this.

I've tried the Pandora project and although 
seemed interesting at the beginning, it didn't 
stuck with me. Here's why and why I don't think 
this will jeopardize conventional radio at all.

I don't know about you, but if I'm listening to 
music without a live person coming up every now 
and then and telling me something, even it's the 
music I really like, after a while I'll get 
bored... If additionally, the talent I've 
mentioned is also entertaining, funny and 
interesting then no stream of music, no matter 
how good it is, can't compare with that. I'd 
always choose conventional radio over jukebox 
music, even like I said, it plays the best music. 
Radio is all about communication, even if it's 
one way, but if there's no communication, no 
sense that there's a live person doing the 
broadcast, than it becomes uninteresting. I think 
that's why web streams that are just playing 
music vs streams that are more like radio, don't 
have high TSL numbers or large audience at all. 
It's fun for a while, it's the music you like, 
but eventually if there's no live soul there - 
I'd rather go somewhere where someone speaks to me.

Goran Tomas

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