[BC] The future of broadcasting...

Larry Albert larry.albert
Sun Sep 3 09:56:16 CDT 2006

   Yes, Top 40 worked.

   But, Top 40 in July was not same play list as Top 40 in May or June.

   There was some overlapping of songs played month to month, but, Top 40 
was a live, active, and constantly changing play list.

   Oldies/Classic/Vintage/Whatever could benefit from having a rotating 
play list from the available library.

   First suggestion limit frequency of playing of any selection. Absolutely 
not more than "x" times in a day/week/month.

   After "x" plays the selection is removed from the play list for a 
pre-determined time.

   Second suggestion - point out and play some Fantastic Forgotten Flops - 
songs that never made it.

   This could be promoted as a daily feature.

At 09:41 AM 9/3/06 -0400, you wrote:
>------ At 09:58 PM 9/2/2006, nakayle at gmail.com wrote: -------
>>This is SO TRUE!  This is what has killed the "oldies" format- endless
>>repetition of the same old playlist month after month, year after year.  The
>>PDs of these stations seem to forget that it wasn't like that back in the
>>era they are trying to re-create- back then there were constantly new songs
>>being introduced every week to keep the music new and fresh.
>On what research do you base this? How do you know "This is SO TRUE?" We 
>all seem to forget the huge success of Top 40 with a tiny playlist. Maybe 
>it flourished because those 40 songs were interspersed with great talent. 
>Growing up I was able to listen to WABC, WBZ, WDRC, WKBW, WHDH and many 
>other stations with personalities that relied on showbiz rather than 
>shock. The music was almost an afterthought. We don't have much of that 
>kind of talent today.
>Rich Wood
>Rich Wood Multimedia
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