[BC] The future of broadcasting...

Steve Newman shnewman
Sun Sep 3 10:27:44 CDT 2006

Thank you Rich...

I've been told that Todd Storz better step aside to make room for me. :)


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Rich Wood" <richwood at pobox.com>
To: "Broadcasters' Mailing List" <broadcast at radiolists.net>
Sent: Sunday, September 03, 2006 8:41 AM
Subject: Re: [BC] The future of broadcasting...

> ------ At 09:58 PM 9/2/2006, nakayle at gmail.com wrote: -------
>>This is SO TRUE!  This is what has killed the "oldies" format- endless
>>repetition of the same old playlist month after month, year after year. 
>>PDs of these stations seem to forget that it wasn't like that back in the
>>era they are trying to re-create- back then there were constantly new 
>>being introduced every week to keep the music new and fresh.
> On what research do you base this? How do you know "This is SO TRUE?" We 
> all seem to forget the huge success of Top 40 with a tiny playlist. Maybe 
> it flourished because those 40 songs were interspersed with great talent. 
> Growing up I was able to listen to WABC, WBZ, WDRC, WKBW, WHDH and many 
> other stations with personalities that relied on showbiz rather than 
> shock. The music was almost an afterthought. We don't have much of that 
> kind of talent today.
> Rich
> Rich Wood
> Rich Wood Multimedia
> Phone: 413-454-3258
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