[BC] The future of broadcasting...

Cowboy curt
Sun Sep 3 13:34:54 CDT 2006

On Sunday 03 September 2006 09:30 am, Rich Wood wrote:

> We have useless sweepers and an increase in the number of 
> non-music elements in the hour.
> Over the years there have been studies on length of spots. At one 
> time the suggestion was seriously made that 15 second spots were as 
> effective as 60s. In terms of perceived clutter, those same studies 
> showed length didn't matter. A break with 6 30s was perceived as 
> being as long as one with 6 60s.

 Never been in programming, never will.
 Why does this seem so intuitively obvious ?
 Perhaps, because I've never been in programming ?


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