[BC] The future of broadcasting...

Jeff Johnson jjohnson
Sun Sep 3 16:45:35 CDT 2006

'Didn't want to hear' had little to do with listeners. A decade ago I asked 
the music director at a country station (where I worked as engineer) why a 
certain new tune he liked wasn't on the playlist. He answered that the song 
wasn't being promoted as a 'single' by the label, and we would not play it. 
The weekly 'adds' list, I discovered, was purely a fiction created by the 
labels. 'Music director' meant nothing.

Jeff.Johnson at goodnews.net,CSRE

>I'd love to see the business plan on this one.  "We're going to feature
>all the songs that few wanted to hear the first time around"...
>-dan in lansing

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