[BC] Re: PD's are timid

Steve Newman shnewman
Mon Sep 4 10:36:01 CDT 2006


You're addressing the one thing that is my first rule. Consistency. I've
said for years if you're going to play Polkas...play them all the
time...play the best ones and don't waver. Consistency has not gone out of
the formula. It's always been there as a rule, if you will. Knowing
something is going to be there when you want it is VERY important in the
radio biz. Take free-form radio. You knew it was going to be free-form all
the time. Underground radio. Same thing. One could say they were consistent
in not being consistent. (from the point of view of one who is anal
retentive about everything being in its place)
When you use a cookie cutter you get a consistent cookie every time. Your
re-frame works.



----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Barry Mishkind" <barry at oldradio.com>
To: "Broadcasters' Mailing List" <broadcast at radiolists.net>
Sent: Monday, September 04, 2006 10:09 AM
Subject: Re: [BC] Re: PD's are timid

>         Steve,
>         Let me re-frame your point a bit:  Have you
>         ever eaten at an Olive Garden, Applebees,
>         McDonalds, etc?
>         Why do many people like these places?
>         Not for the "exceptional food" ... but rather
>         for being able to depend upon these places
>         for a consistent level (in most cases) of food
>         and service.
>         It would seem that most PDs now figure
>         that most listeners *want* a certain sort of radio.
>         Not great radio, but sort of predictable.

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