[BC] LPFM Operations

Mark Humphrey mark3xy
Wed Sep 6 20:54:57 CDT 2006

As "internet radio" increases in popularity, I expect non-comm
broadcasters who are streaming their programming online will start to
sell "real" commercials on the stream, and simply cover them with
"sanitized" underwriting announcements on the air to keep the FCC

Does anyone happen to know how many stations already do this?  Seems
to me it's perfectly legal, as long as they comply with IRS non-profit


On 9/6/06, Black, Mike <black at hws.edu> wrote:
> All one has to do is look at the list of admonishments and fines by the
> Commission concerning underwriting violations, and you can pretty much
> take it to the bank that there is abuse going on.

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