[BC] music on hard drive

Craig Bowman craig1
Thu Sep 7 19:38:37 CDT 2006

I have OTS on one of my "Play" Machines and I have to tell you that it 
does a great job of AUTOMATICALLY placing EOM marks and doing segues.  
It is particular about headers though and if it does not like the header 
of the file you are using it will not recognize it.  I have corresponded 
with them and they are rather arrogant about their unwillingness to be 
even cart chunk compliant.  I do not know of a "Real" automation system 
which does a good job of analyzing an audio file and correctly placing 
the segue mark (EOM).  It also has a rudimentary scheduler built in so 
it makes a fun toy for the home, car, boat, etc.

Craig Bowman

SteveOrdinetz wrote:
> At 06:14 PM 9/7/2006, Tom wrote:
>> The one at a NURSING HOME is all in a 6 year old pentium computer 
>> using OTS DJ.
>> The one at MY HOME is 1955-1985 oldies in a pentium comupter with 
>> OTS. It gets all my junk.
> Maybe I'm spoiled by "real" automation systems, but one thing I 
> dislike about the '"cheapo" automation is the cumbersome way EOMs are 
> programmed.  It seems very difficult to set up for consistent 
> good-sounding segues.  I wanted to set one up at home to use as a 
> jukebox, but they all just seemed so clunky and non-intuative.
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