[BC] Using Ham to Order Pizza with Other Toppings

Ron Cole rondcole
Fri Sep 8 22:06:52 CDT 2006

Just get on after the call and ask for more details, that usually makes them
shut up...

I have not have a phone patch on a Repeater in 20 years, no need for the
thing any more.


On 9/8/06, Rich Wood <richwood at pobox.com> wrote:
> ------ At 09:45 PM 9/8/2006, Cowboy wrote: -------
> >  Ordering a pizza via amateur radio because the kitchen is normally
> closed
> >  is probably questionable at best, illegal if you are carrying a cell
> phone,
> >  or there is a nearby pay phone.
> I used to moderate the Fidonet Amateur Radio Echo (forum). That was
> one of the frequent threads. After the many license changes were
> complete I asked the ARRL if ordering a pizza was allowed. I was told
> it was perfectly legal where it hadn't been before. I followed it up
> with a call to the FCC. Same answer. It's OK, regardless of any other
> options available. To a Ham, using a cell phone when there's an
> autopatch available is sacrilege.
> Most repeater trustees with autopatches don't like the idea but
> permit it because it's legal. I'm a trustee of a machine in Verona,
> NJ. We gave up on objecting to members ordering food a long time ago.
> We actually had a couple who would commute at the same time in
> separate cars. They'd use the repeater for some of the most mushy
> bedroom talk when they were a few cars apart and Simplex would have
> saved us from upset stomachs. Finally, we asked them to take it to
> Simplex. They did. To add insult to injury, the wife would call her
> mother every day on the autopatch and discuss some of the most
> intimate details of family life.
> Rich
> Rich Wood
> Rich Wood Multimedia
> Phone: 413-454-3258
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