[BC] "Media Player" Sound Quality ?

Ray Thomson rmthomson
Sat Sep 9 10:31:06 CDT 2006

Bob Dylan's recent comments regarding modern music sound  brought to  mind the different sonic qualities of the various "media players" out there. Here's Bob at his Best ? :


The WindowsMediaPlayer seems to be the defacto standard for playing the various MP3 products now being distributed ala the internet ? 
With that in mind, I thought I'd share a bit of info that the Microsoft engineers did when creating Windows XP :

As Microsoft engineers have been known to hide little tidbits known as "Easter Eggs" in their software, I happened upon the inclusion of their WindowsMediaPlayer v6.4 hidden in XP . WHY they did this remains a mystery to me, but I still feel that it is the best sounding player to date (yet to try v10). Perhaps "growing up with vinyl " has had an everlasting effect...

For those  interested in giving it a listen on an XP machine :

Start/Run/mplayer2.exe   will take you to it

FWIW : I've found it useful in taking the "edge" off of those in-your-face-abrasive sounding spots.
That still leaves the unanswered question as to why they included it in their new product. Isn't newer always better???

Justa thought,

Ray Thomson
Phx, AZ

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