[BC] Emergency Traffic /really drifitng on a Friday...

Rich Wood richwood
Sat Sep 9 10:48:17 CDT 2006

------ At 02:39 AM 9/9/2006, Ray Vaughan wrote: -------

>If you want to know what's going on here now, here is our Computer 
>Aided Dispatch 
>screen:  http://www.co.miami-dade.fl.us/firecad/wwwcipnew.asp  and 
>you can listen here:   An idea 
>stolen from my Broadcasting work, I set up listen lines for our 
>channels.   Nice thing about working on both the radios and the 
>phone system... I get to tie them together.   On a good night I'll 
>see 20+ people on the lines from all over the country.   I won't 
>give out the numbers in a public forum. If your station has an Avaya 
>phone system, I can show you some ideas.

After all those years of trying to ban public access to emergency 
communications we now have departments putting nearly everything on 
the Internet. Now a criminal doesn't need a scanner, just a Treo or 
other wireless PDA with one of the wireless data services. Much 
easier to convince the police you had no evil intention. After all, 
it's only a cell phone with pictures.

Of course that priceless Ming vase you're sitting on might tip them off.


Rich Wood
Rich Wood Multimedia
Phone: 413-454-3258

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