[BC] FCC & 9/11

Art Reed areed21774
Mon Sep 11 10:50:58 CDT 2006

It depends on which special you were referring to.  The CBS rerun of their
documentary, (a rebroadcast) which consisted of footage shot by a pair of
cameramen who happened to be filming the NYPD that day, was probably delayed
due to a US Open coverage overrun of about 40 minutes.  AFAIK, the ABC
"docudrama" ran on schedule.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <mrfixit at min.midco.net>
To: "Broadcasters' Mailing List" <broadcast at radiolists.net>
Sent: Monday, September 11, 2006 8:19 AM
Subject: [BC] FCC & 9/11

> Any of you here have any experience with your local TV station dropping
> running much later) the 9/11 special last night? Any comments subsequently
> to station or to the FCC regarding this? Any replies (yet)? Comments,
> And yes, I did. To the local station and to the FCC. My opinion is that
the FCC
> has overstepped it's responsibility and authority, and is edging ever so
> slightly closer to government censorship. Censorship of what enters my
house is
> my responsibility, not anyone else's.
> I don't have any small children living at home, but in my opinion, the
> and description of people jumping out of the windows and bodies hitting
> ground exceeds the criteria of what is "bad" far more so than the
> (VERY occasional as far as I could tell) emotional expression of "dismay"
> the conversations.
> For this reason, I would have not allowed any young children in my house
to see
> this production, not the language specifically.
> Dave Dunsmoor
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