[BC] Re: Part 15 LPAM Questions?

Jason Togyer jt3y
Mon Sep 11 16:57:40 CDT 2006

Robert Meuser wrote:

> You do not need a legal ID to do any of the items below. Legal ID is a
> dumb retro concept. It is also a very geeky concept. For those of who
> who want to revel in the good ole days, have a blast.  Radio needs
> agressive and futuristic thinking to move forward.

With due respect: Aren't we straining at gnats here?

Saying "Wxxx, Bumpkinville" takes all of 2 seconds. Maybe 3 if you talk
slow. And you can bury it almost anywhere in the hour. The rest of the 
time you can call yourself darned near anything you want.

Out of all of the things I wish the FCC would address --- the mystery of
"what goes in the public file," the half-arsed "local content" rules, EAS 
shortcomings, the train wreck of nighttime AM IBOC, the spread of 
satellators --- having to legal ID doesn't crack my top 10.

Not even sure about my top 20.

73 de Jason Togyer KB3CNM
WKHB Irwin-Pittsburgh
WKFB Jeannette-Pittsburgh
and sometimes WRCT-FM Pittsburgh

DISCLAIMER: My opinions are solely my own, and at these prices, I'm not 

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