[BC] WWL-AM New Orleans

PeterH5322 peterh5322
Tue Sep 12 17:11:47 CDT 2006

>I just went to the FCC Info Search site and saw something interesting. It
>shows WWL-AM New Orleans has a CP to change facilities to 10kw-D, 5kw-N,
>non-directional. When I click on "Map It" it goes to the site of WSMB-AM,


By rule, ND operation at 25 percent of licensed DA power should be OK, 
and that's 12.5 kW which is also above the 10 kW minimum for Class As.

However, I can see that "Rio" added four Class As on 870 in Central and 
South America:

1) 2/2 kW (yet they call this a Class A !?! ),

2) 100/100 kW,

3) 10/10 kW, and

4) 50/50 kW,

so perhaps that's the reason for less than 10 kW nights.

Anyway, it's an auxiliary, although the FCC granted KGO 10 kW ND-U, 50 kW 
ND-LS, for the many months it took to reconstruct that station's array, 
and KGO isn't a Class I-A as is WWL, plus KGO has a domestic co-channel 
Class I-B.

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