[BC] RE: Amateur and other rules

Bill Croghan loteng
Wed Sep 13 11:54:23 CDT 2006

Cowboy said;
 >  I dunno....
 >  It seems to me that the spirit is still the same.
 >  Basicly that the Amateur service may not be used to circumvent
 >  the commercial services when they are available.
	I agree that the spirit should be that way.  However, I think you
would be hard pressed to find a violation written for using amateur radio
for legitimate ham purposes when the same communication could have been done
with a telephone.  I'll freely admit I haven't made a ham phone patch in
years since I carry a cell phone.
 >  Is it ?
 >  I'd almost bet that if you ask the uneducated man on the street
 >  ( which includes the Commissioners ) it's not a radio,
 >  it's a telephone/video game/ text messaging system and they'd be
 >  shocked to learn that it actually uses radio !
 >>>>>>>>>>granted the general public doesn't connect the concept of cell
phone, wireless etc. with radio, but at levels below the political
appointments, I suspect the field people in the FCC know the difference.
 >  It seems to me that the spirit is the same, but as everything else, >the
lawyers have mucked it up to the point where common sense is
 > irrelevant.
 >  It's a big part of the reason that although my license is current,
 > I'm no longer  active in the amateur service.
	Agreed that the dumbing down of the amateur service and the lawyers
have messed it up, but I still find value in my ham ticket., although for
all the use I've given my extra privileges, I might as well have a no-code
Bill Croghan CPBE WB?KSW
Lotus Broadcasting Las Vegas, NV
Phone 702-315-3030
Fax      702-876-6685

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