[BC] WTC TV antenna

Bernie Courtney jerseyspikes
Wed Sep 13 16:33:22 CDT 2006

it definately was, at least in the picture I saw you could make out parts of
the ch4 antenna that was on the mast.


On 9/13/06, Cason, Scott <scason at prp.org> wrote:
> I don't think that was part of the antenna.  I have seen the photo and
> folks
> attributed that pole that they are attaching the flag to as part of the
> antenna, but it looks too small to be it.  Of course I could be wrong.
> >>I thought it would be really nice for the SBE, or a PR
> wise company, to have part of that antenna on display, with
> a panel showing the seven engineers we lost. Even after five
> years, I still feel this way.
> I feel the same way, Tom.  I could not imagine sitting in master control
> watching some of my co-workers dying on live TV.  Hardly anything is said
> about those transmitter engineers and the other employees up there that
> died.
> Scott
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